The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (more commonly known as ATF) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Justice that prevents against terrorism, reduces violent crime, and protects the Nation as a whole. The ATF was created in 1972 after many additions to the program. The Constitution first stated that NO alcohol was allowed at all, but that amendment was soon ratified. In a few years they created restrictions on tobacco, and in 1942, the firearms portion was added.
Surprisingly, the ATF deals with Firearms, Explosives and Tobacco/Alcohol. Out of these, I think that regulating and searching for Explosives is the most important. The basic job of the people in this area is to search a community if there seems to be risky business going on. The explosives keep criminal activity and accidental detonations as under control as possible. They risk their lives in order to keep the public safe.